As members of our Basilica Community, the Altar Servers answer the call to service that we all receive in Baptism. Altar Servers assist in the celebration of Mass through the sharing of their talents and contribute to the spirit of prayer through the reverent way they perform their tasks. Altar Servers serve the people of God in a variety of liturgical celebrations, including:
Saturday Vigil Mass
Sunday Masses
Weekday Masses
Basilica School Masses
Holy Days of Obligation
Stations of the Cross
The Altar Server ministry is open to both boys and girls that meet ALL of the following requirements:
They have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Holy Communion in the Roman Catholic Church.
They are in the 3rd Grade or above.
They fully understand the importance of this ministry and are committed to it.
They have attended a training session to learn the duties, responsibilities, and prayers of the Mass.
Although altar servers have traditionally been children, because of the nature of the Basilica, adults are invited to participate. Adult servers should meet the criteria listed above. Because they will be working with children, adults must also complete Diocesan “Safe Environment Training” and fingerprinting. To learn more about Safe Environment, click here.
If you or your child are interested in becoming an altar server, please contact the parish office.