Ministers to the Sick bring communion to Catholics in our community who are too sick or unable to attend Mass. They share their faith, compassion, and the support of the parish community with those in our parish who are sick.
The call to minister to the sick flows from our Baptism. Christian presence is the gift we bring to the sick. Confidentiality, respect for the patient, and acceptance of them for who and where they are, are the gifts inherent in this presence.
- A person wanting to be a minister to the sick must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church (Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion) and be an active member of the Basilica of St. Paul, participating in Sunday mass and practicing personal prayer.
- The person should possess the gifts of listening and understanding with an attitude of love and respect.
- The Diocese of Orlando requires that all who work with children and vulnerable adults to complete “Safe Environment Training” and fingerprinting. For more information on Safe Environment Training and Fingerprinting, click
here. The person must also complete Diocesan and parish ministry to the sick training.
For more information about becoming a Minister to the Sick, please download the information form by clicking here. Fill it out and return the form to the Parish office.